Product information "Galacum Human liquid 200 ml"
200 ml intestinal regulator from Fil AG for darlings
Food supplement
Galacum Human liquid - intestinal regulant is:
- without alcohol,
- without gluten,
- without artificial preservatives or sweeteners,
- without fats.
It consists of 100% concentrate of acid whey and riboflavin.
Intestinal regulator - protects mucous membranes - strengthens the digestive system.
Galacum Human contains natural vitamin B2 which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Furthermore, vitamin B2 contributes to the maintenance of normal skin and mucous membranes, vision and red blood cells.
The Best Way to Apply
2 times a day 5-10 ml of liquid preferably pure, otherwise on ½ glass of water or fruit juice. It is recommended to consume the liquid after meals.
Store in a cool and dry place.
Ingredients overview:
Galacum Human liquid
Concentrate of Acid whey with dextrorotatory L (+) Lactic acid, Vitamin B2
Product master data according to FIC
- Product name of the food: Galacum® Human
- Name of the food product:
for vitality & performance. Fermented liquid concentrate from acid whey with L (+) right lactic acid and vitamin B2. - Package size of the food: 1 bottle á 200 ml
- List of ingredients: Concentrate of sour whey (100%), riboflavin.
- Food ingredient information:
Ingredients per portion (10 ml):
- Concentrate of acid whey 10 ml
of which L (+) right lactic acid 0.8 ml - Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.35 mg*.
* = corresponds to 25% of the nutrient reference values (NRV = Nutrient Reference values).
1 portion = 10 ml. Contains 20 portions of 10 ml.
Average content of minerals in mg per 100g of concentrate:
- Sodium 3,170,000
- Calcium 1.020,000
- Potassium 7.260,000
- Magnesium 421,000
- Zinc 0.528
- Copper 0.044
- Chromium 0.263
- Iron 5,410
- Selenium 0.072
- Nickel 0.121
- Aluminum 12,600
- Sulfate 1,000,000
- Molbydiene 0.154
Total mineral content: 12,890.190
Note: Analytical values are subject to the biological variations usual in natural products.
- Net quantity of the food: ℮ 200 ml
- Instructions for storage and/or instructions for use: Please store out of reach of small children! Do not exceed the specified recommended daily intake. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Protect from heat!
- Store in a cool and dry place.
- Once opened, consume within 6 months.
- Please note the best before date.
Company address of the food business operator:
Fil AG
Rosenhof 7
8808 Pfäffikon
Galactopharm Dr. Sanders GmbH & Co. KG.
Südstrasse 10
49751 Sögel
- Country of origin for the food: Germany
- Alcohol content in % by volume: none
- Nutrition declaration: please note that food supplements are exempt from mandatory nutrition labeling.
- Allergens: none
- Consumption recommendation: 2 times daily 5-10 ml liquid if possible pure, otherwise on ½ glass of water or fruit juice. It is recommended to consume the liquid after meals.
Status | Declaration: 07.05.2021
Update 09.08.2023
Shipping costs: | From 5 bottles by weight. |
Category: | nutritional supplement |
Packaging: | bottle |
Size: | 200 ml |
Shipping costs
The shipping costs for this item are as follows.
Standard (DE) by weight
Deliveries within Germany:
weight kg | postage |
1 to 5 kg | 6.10 € |
6 to 30 kg | 13.90 € |
Each 31 kg | 13.90 € |
International (EU) by weight
Deliveries outside Germany:
weight kg | postage |
1 to 24.5 kg | 13.90 € |
Each 24.5 kg | 13.90 € |
International (CH & FL)
Deliveries outside Germany:
customer type | minimum order value | postage |
final customer3 | 0 € | 19.90 € |
therapist3 | no shipping | - |
stockist3 | no shipping | - |
3 We will be happy to inform you by telephone about distribution within Switzerland and Liechtenstein for specialised trade or heavier items.
Further international shipping costs for deliveries outside Germany can be found here: Shipping and payment
International (Isles) uninsured + without tracking
International (Isles) + Insurance + Tracking
International (USA)
Content: 0.5 Liter (€109.80* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.5 Liter (€109.80* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.2 Liter (€274.50* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.3 Liter (€183.00* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.5 Liter (€89.80* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.15 Liter (€232.67* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.15 Liter (€230.00* / 1 Liter)
Content: 0.06 Kilogramm (€465.00* / 1 Kilogramm)
Content: 0.075 Kilogramm (€358.67* / 1 Kilogramm)
Content: 0.024 Kilogramm (€1,120.83* / 1 Kilogramm)